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Name:Christina From::Canada
I'm a freelance writer with a laid back approach to most everything! Happily married to my truest friend, who believes in me even when it doesn't make sense to. View my complete profile
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Thursday, April 06, 2006
Making Organic Rosewater - Craft Project
Making Rosewater Big thanks to Shannon for sending in all sorts of fabulous rose creations, including this rosewater craft recipe. She includes a reminder to only use organic roses - ones that have had no chemicals sprayed on them. :) This is a beautiful idea for using roses once the gardening season really gets under way...
Rosewater Method I You'll need: 2 cup distilled water 1/4 cup 80 proof vodka 1/2 cup fresh rose petals
Place the rose petals in a large glass jar with a lid. Add the vodka and the water. Place the jar in a sunny window for 24 hours or so. Strain and keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.