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Name:Christina From::Canada
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Seasoning a Cast Iron Skillet or Pan
Jane also sent in this -- thanks again. :)
1. A well-seasoned cast-iron pan will resist rust and create a virtually nonstick surface for cooking. To season it, brush vegetable oil lightly over all its surfaces.
2. Heat the pan in an oven at 250°F (120°C) for 1 hour, recoating it with more oil after 30 minutes.
3. Wipe the pan well with paper towels, and let it cool completely before using it.
4. To preserve this natural, protective coating, do not use soap when cleaning a seasoned pan. Instead, scrub it with salt and oil, rinse it with hot water, then dry it completely over low heat before storing it.
Posted by HappySlob ::
6:38 AM ::