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Name:Christina From::Canada
I'm a freelance writer with a laid back approach to most everything! Happily married to my truest friend, who believes in me even when it doesn't make sense to. View my complete profile
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Sunday, September 24, 2006
Cleaning Tips: Cleaning Glasstop Stoves
CLEANING GLASS TOP STOVES Cammie from KS writes: "I use 'Cook Top' brand Cleaning Creme for Smooth Top Ranges, and on the back of the bottle, it says that it is manufactured in the USA for Maytag Customer Service. I am sure that my husband got it at Sears. We have made some messes on our stove, and it takes it right off. If you keep cooking over the mess, I don't know how well anything would work!"
Marilyn in Florida suggests: "I know that most people know about the virtues of baking soda, but I would like to put my two cents in! I have spent countless hours trying to scrub my ceramic cook top to get all the burnt on foods off. I've used the commercial cleaner that came with my stove, SOS pads and even the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. I finally poured baking soda on the food, dampened it with water to make a paste, and let it sit for 15 minutes or so. The burnt food came off in one wipe! I am now a true believer in the power of baking soda! I've saved money, time and my elbows."
Posted by HappySlob ::
9:45 AM ::