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Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Household Hints: Vinegar Uses for Gardening & Yard
1. Clay Pot Cleaning Remove white salt buildup on old clay pots by soaking them in full strength vinegar. 2. Kills grass. Undiluted vinegar will kill grass between bricks and sidewalk cracks. 3. Kills weeds. Spray full strength on weeds - be careful not to spray it on the surrounding grass as it will kill that too. 4. Deter Ants Spray vinegar around doors, appliances, and along other areas where ants are known to gather. 5. Keep Cats Away Keep cats away. Sprinkle vinegar on areas you don't want the cat walking, sleeping, or scratching on. 6. Freshen Cut Flowers Add 2 tablespoons vinegar and 1 teaspoon sugar for each quart of water.
Big thanks to Treva for these tips! For our entire collection of vinegar tips & hints, visit: Vinegar Household Hints
Posted by HappySlob ::
8:52 AM ::