Your "All Around the House Guide" filled with household hints, bath and beauty formulas, tips for cleaning and so much more!
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Name:Christina From::Canada
I'm a freelance writer with a laid back approach to most everything! Happily married to my truest friend, who believes in me even when it doesn't make sense to. View my complete profile
Hate house cleaning? Yeah, we all do! Drop by my cleaning website today and
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Housecleaning for the EASIEST solution to house cleaning ever! It's fun, practical
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Aloe plants not only LOOK great, with their fat spiky leaves, but they're amazing at soothing minor skin irritations. Just cut off a section of aloe, squeeze to release the gel inside, and smear onto little cuts or any irritation of the skin that needs a little TLC. :) This is also one plant that isn't too hard to care for! And, that natural aloe juice can be used in some natural bath & beauty recipes.