Your "All Around the House Guide" filled with household hints, bath and beauty formulas, tips for cleaning and so much more!
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Name:Christina From::Canada
I'm a freelance writer with a laid back approach to most everything! Happily married to my truest friend, who believes in me even when it doesn't make sense to. View my complete profile
Hate house cleaning? Yeah, we all do! Drop by my cleaning website today and
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big thanks to Jill for this great recipe - use it when you run out of Pedialyte OR if you want to save money. :)
2 quarts water 1 teas. baking soda 1 teas. salt 7 tbls. sugar 1 packet sugar-free kool aid (Optional) 1/2 teas. salt subsitute (optional)
Mix all ingredients together in a pitcher and store inrefrigerator. Use instead of juice or milk for diarrhea, vomitting &fever.Be creative with this-use koolaid & put into ice cube tray. You can put the cubes in a drink or put toothpicks in it & make popsicles.