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Name:Christina From::Canada
I'm a freelance writer with a laid back approach to most everything! Happily married to my truest friend, who believes in me even when it doesn't make sense to. View my complete profile
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Monday, May 01, 2006
Honey Avocado Facial Mask (Beauty Recipes)
If it's a BLAH and boring Monday where you are, why not try this simple facial mask for an at-home spa treat? This is simple luxury - it only takes 2 ingredients to slap this mask together! Big thanks to Connie for submitting this one.
Ingredients: 1 Lg Avocado 1 Tbsp Honey
Directions: Peel and slice avocado. Puree with honey. Pat it gently to the face and continue patting until the mask feels extremely tacky to the touch. Relax and leave the mask on 20-30 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Big savings.